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Generation Challenge Programme and the Crop Trust

5 December 2006

Generation Challenge Programme and the Crop Trust

WASHINTON DC, USA (5 December 2006). The Generation Challenge Programme  and the Crop Trust inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) during a brief ceremony in Washington, D.C. on 5 December.

The Generation Challenge Programme is a research and capacity building network that uses plant genetic diversity, advanced genomic science, and comparative biology to develop tools and technologies that enable plant breeders in the developing world to produce better crop varieties for resource-poor farmers. The MOU commits the two organizations to collaboration in a number of areas including the evaluation and documentation of samples held in genebank collections and the identification of unintended duplications within and between such collections.

Jean-Marcel Ribaut, GCP director, noted that “Our organizations have complimentary mandates, and together we can work more efficiently and toward greater impact.” Cary Fowler, the Trust’s Executive Secretary hailed the agreement as “an important step in ensuring that the crop diversity we conserve can be fully utilized to make agriculture more resilient and productive in the face of challenges such as climate change, and energy and water constraints.” The organizations will now explore possibilities for joint research and progamming.

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