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Crop Conservation Activities Database

327 results:

Rendering the National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory Passport and Morphological Plant Information on Select Legumes and Root Crops for Genesys Catalog of Phenotypic Datasets

Rendering the National Plant Genetic Resources Laboratory Passport and Morphological Plant Information on Select Legumes and Root Crops for Genesys Catalog of Phenotypic Datasets

Development and preparation of eggplant pre-bredmaterials for adaptation to climate change

The present proposal is aimed at developing and preparing pre-breed materials of eggplant (Solanum melongena) containing introgressions of wild relatives for incorporating them …

Enhancing the ability of the Project “Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change” to manage and share information on crop wild relatives

The proposed project will develop and deploy a series of web portals to support the maintenance and access to data from 14 individual pre-breeding projects utilizing crop wild relatives. The data…

Evaluation of Sunflower Pre-Bred Lines for Stress Resistance and Associated Trade-Offs with Yield

Plants are regularly challanged by a variety of environmental stresses such as drought, flooding, salt, and low-nutrient levels. These stresses negatively affect plant growth and reduce the…

Building the Genesys Catalog of Phenotypic Datasets - Role of MARDI's Genebank

The goal of this project is to contribute to the building of a metadata-based catalogue of accession-related phenotypic datasets on Genesys through building in-house capacities and processes to…

Strengthening crop conservation post cyclone Winston

This project will support the Center for Pacific Crops and Trees (CePaCT) by providing financial assistance for the rehabilitation efforts of the Pacific plant genebank. It proposes to upgrade the…

From base broadening to enhancing crop adaptation to climate change: a preparatory study for the farmer evaluation activity in the project 'Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and Preparing Crop Wild Relatives

The thInstitut de recherche pour le developpement (Institut de recherche pour le developpement (IRD)) phase in the project 'Adapting Agriculture to Climate Change: Collecting, Protecting and…

Environmental characterization of target environments for the pre-breeding of crop wild relatives and re-assessment of conservation gaps in CWR distributions

CIATconducts cutting edge research using niche and process-based crop models in conjunction with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies for identifying crop system and value chain…

Interface between Plant Alelo and Genesys for sharing information of the plant germplasm collection kept in EMBRAPA

There are many native and exotic species at Plant Alelo's database, such as cassava, bromelia, rice, bean,soybean, maize, wheat and others. The number of accessions and the amount of information vary…

Building the Genesys Catalog of Phenotypic Datasets

The goal of this project is to contribute to the building of a metadata-based catalogue of accession-related phentotypic datasets on Genesys through building in-house capacities and processes to…

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