United Nations Food Systems Summit 2021
The UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) is taking place virtually and in-person in New York on September 23, 2021 during the UN General Assembly High-level week.
It’s the first time the global community will gather to specifically...

The UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS) is taking place virtually and in-person in New York on September 23, 2021 during the UN General Assembly High-level week.
It’s the first time the global community will gather to specifically discuss the future of our food and it will set the stage to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
The event is open to everyone to virtually attend and will include leaders, experts and stakeholders from around the world. If you registered for the Pre-Summit in July, you’re already registered for the Summit.
A Voice at the Table
The Crop Trust is actively engaged in various workflows within the Summit, including a leading role in the “Agrobiodiversity Cluster”. The cluster, established under Action Track 3 of the Summit, is a coalition of agrobiodiversity community members, including many Crop Trust partners like Bioversity International, Norad, ICBA, ICRAF, ICRISAT, ISF, WorldVeg and others.
The work of the cluster will be presented and launched at the Summit and the Crop Trust will then work with other actors to oversee the implementation of the different actions proposed by the coalitions over the next several years.
In addition to its role in the Agrobiodiversity Cluster, the Crop Trust plays an active role in both the Scientific Group and the Finance “Lever of Change” of the Summit.
The Crop Trust’s Executive Director, Stefan Schmitz, is a member of both groups and will continue to work actively through the Summit and with other stakeholders towards our shared goal of safeguarding what remains of our world’s agrobiodiversity to ensure a more food-secure future for all.
Additional resources
- Learn about the Pre-Summit sessions
- UNFSS Brief: Safeguarding and Using Fruit and Vegetable Biodiversity
- UNFSS Brief: Crop Diversity, Its Conservation and Use for Better Food Systems, the Crop Trust Perspective
- All briefs by Scientific Groups Partners of the UNFSS
Categories: Climate Change, Sustainable Agriculture