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Climate Change's Threat to Global Coffee Production

Climate Change's Threat to Global Coffee Production

22 January 2024

Scientists Sarada Krishnan, Director of Programs at Crop Trust, and Hanna Neuschwander, Strategy and Communications Director of World Coffee Research, shed light on the profound impact of climate change on global coffee production in the latest article from Turkish news agency Anadolu.

The vulnerability of Arabica coffee, constituting 55% of the global coffee market, is emphasized, with rising temperatures leading to reduced yields, lower quality, and increased pests. Krishnan and Neuschwander underscore the urgent need to conserve wild coffee species, invest in climate resilience, and ensure sustainability. Consumers are urged to support roasters with direct relationships with farmers and be willing to pay more for coffee. India is recognized for innovative agroforestry practices, while startups like Atomo aim to provide sustainable alternatives in the face of the challenges posed by global warming.

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Category: Crop Trust in the News

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