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1368 results:

Kenyan Farmers Can Bank on Tree Seeds

Kenyan Farmers Can Bank on Tree Seeds Tree genebanks can make a valuable contribution to the food security and incomes of smallholder farmers in developing countries, a new study suggests. The…

David Kenduywo at his farm in Kembu, Bomet County, Kenya. He grows Calliandra for his dairy cattle. Photo: Sherry Odeyo/ICRAF

An International Rescue Mission from Syria to Svalbard

An International Rescue Mission from Syria to Svalbard When war broke out in Syria in 2011, the future of one of the world’s most important seed collections was put at risk. What followed was an…

Harnessing the Power of Nature Explored at GLF Biodiversity Conference

Harnessing the Power of Nature Explored at GLF Biodiversity Conference Are we doing enough to harness the power of nature? How can we do more? The Crop Trust convened a session called Harnessing the…

New Global Assessment of Plant Genetic Resources Gets Underway

New Global Assessment of Plant Genetic Resources Gets Underway Stefano Diulgheroff, Bonnie Furman, Arshiya Noorani, Ndeye Ndack Diop, Wilson Hugo, Shawn McGuire, Lucio Olivero, Luigi Guarino and…

The Power and Potential of Agrobiodiversity

The Power and Potential of Agrobiodiversity Protecting and harnessing the earth’s biodiversity is more critical than ever to tackle urgent issues like climate change and hunger.  The GLF…

Seed Conservation Continues Despite The Pandemic

Seed Conservation Continues Despite The Pandemic Secure Crop Diversity, Secure Food The global pandemic has not halted efforts to secure agrobiodiversity. Genebanks around the world continue to…

Safeguarding Biodiversity, Forever

Safeguarding Biodiversity, Forever While the world seems to get further entangled in a web of concurrent crises, there are a growing number of leaders and experts who are sparking new hope and trust…

Time to Serve the Tea

Time to Serve the Tea Tea-growing countries around the world would all be better served by sharing their knowledge and plant genetic material, according to Dr. Mahasen A B Ranatunga, Head of the…

Keeping the Coffee Pot Hot

Keeping the Coffee Pot Hot In-depth Audit Suggests Sustainable Way Forward For Key International Coffee Collection For the past 71 years, the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education…

Potato Diversity Leads to Economic Gain in Uganda

Potato Diversity Leads to Economic Gain in Uganda The genebank of the International Potato Centre (CIP) holds more than 6000 accessions of potatoes and distributes samples to users all over the…

The release of Victoria has resulted in gross economic benefits of USD 42 million per year in Uganda over a 25-year period. Photo: CIP
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